понедельник, 7 июня 2010 г.

Azerbaijan bans demonstration of cigarettes on TV channels

The demonstration of cigarettes in the TV programs, films on the Azerbaijani television will be banned based on the bill "On Restriction of smoking in public places in the Republic of Azerbaijan ", whose adoption is expected this year in the Milli Mejlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan, Parliamentary Social Policy Committee Deputy Chairman Musa Guliyev told Trend.

"Advertising of cigarettes is banned also in accordance with the law "On tobacco and tobacco products", adopted in 2001. However, despite this, the mechanism of fines and supervision in this regard does not exist. The new bill also specifies that cigarettes will not be demonstrated on television, and in the movies shots on cigarettes will be demonstrated in such a way that cigarettes would not be visible," Guliyev said.

Guliyev said the bill also specifies that all the television companies in Azerbaijan should demonstrate TV programs regarding dangers of smoking, ways to get rid of this fatal habit lasting at least 90 minutes a month.

Guliyev said the law "On Restriction of smoking in public places in the Republic of Azerbaijan" will be adopted at the autumn session of the Milli Mejlis.

"In many countries of the world legislative bases for the establishment of environment without tobacco are determined. There are rules banning smoking in places where there are children and young people," he said.

"Experiences of various countries are used in developing the bill " On Restriction of smoking in public places in the Republic of Azerbaijan", Guliyev said.

"Due to the fact that some details of the law have not been fully worked out, it was not submitted to the spring session. Probably, in the autumn session, the bill will be submitted and accepted", Guliyev said.

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