четверг, 2 июня 2011 г.

Fruitvale butts out cigarettes from its parks

Fruitvale isn’t letting the issue of smoking in its parks burn for any longer.

The village decided to butt out cigarettes entirely from its parks at Monday night’s council meeting, just a day before World No Tobacco Day, which highlights the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocates for effective policies and practices to reduce tobacco consumption.

“It makes it much easier for one parent to say to another, ‘Are you aware there is no smoking in the park?’” said village administrator Lila Cresswell.

Council decided to ban people from smoking cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos or other forms of tobacco or combustible material after they received complaints from concerned parents.

“I don’t want to be a nanny state and order people how they live their lives but I don’t think there is really any question that smoking is not the best occupation for your health,” said Fruitvale Mayor Libby Nelson.

“And the cleanliness – smokers have tended to just drop their butts wherever they are and just stamp them out so you have the garbage aspect, too.”

Smokers are encouraged to leave the green space of a park before lighting up. Signs will be placed in a designated park area, reminding residents that it is a no smoking zone and should there be further complaints, the village’s bylaw officer will speak with those ignoring the new park rule.

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