среда, 20 июля 2011 г.

Spearfish schools shore up nicotine policy by banning e-cigarettes

nicotine policy

The Spearfish School District has banned e-cigarettes and other objects that dispense nicotine.

School officials say the policy change was needed as the popularity of such devices has grown among smokers trying to quit.

Superintendent Dave Peters told the Black Hills Pioneer newspaper that officials weren't sure those items were covered in the policy, so they made the change.

Peters says he's unaware of anyone using an e-cigarette on school grounds, but the district is trying to keep its policies current with ever-changing technology.

School Board President Randall Royer says he's seen people use the devices in inappropriate places.

Royer, who is also a Black Hills State University professor, said a university student was seen smoking one during a final exam at the end of the semester.

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