понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

We must stub out smoking for teens in poor regions

MORE work needs to be done in socially deprived areas to reduce the number of youngsters taking up smoking, campaigners have said. Figures have shown that those who live in deprived areas are more likely to take up smoking and, despite work to bring these numbers down, more is required to try to tackle this trend. Speaking at the annual ASH Wales conference held in Cardiff, Professor Ann McNeill, deputy director of the UK centre for tobacco control studies, said it was also important to look at the influence parents from socially deprived backgrounds may have on their children.

 She said: “The number of people smoking increases between 11-15 - that’s the age when children tend to take up smoking. Smoking has decreased in the last decade so we can all congratulate ourselves but although youth smoking is going down, we cannot be complacent. “There are many factors that influence smoking in young people and the most worrying thing is socioeconomic trends. For may years we did not see much differentiation in young people smoking but what we are seeing at the moment is a trend towards a more deprived youth becoming the main smokers. “We know that smoking can be associated with truancy in schools and drinking and drug use.”

 A report into smoking trends across Wales by the Public Health Wales Observatory and the Welsh Government found that smoking prevalence was highest in the most deprived areas including the South Wales Valleys, South Cardiff and Barry. Professor McNeill said: “Parents smoking are obviously still playing a big role in the prevalence of smoking in young people. “As smoking becomes more concentrated in adults in deprived areas, it is likely that will have a knock-on effect on young children. There was a small change in smoking in the home when the smoke-free legislation came in, but this actually went down. It is clear that the legislation did not have a knock-on effect and drive smoking into the home.

But most of this decline was seen in the high socioeconomic groups so in the future we need to focus more on the more deprived groups.” Professor McNeill said that there were also gender differences in the uptake of smoking, and that it was important to understand these differences to try to reduce the numbers. In his last report before retiring this summer, former Chief Medical Officer for Wales Dr Tony Jewell found that 11% of 15-year-old boys smoked at least once a week while the figure for girls of the same age was 16%. This was higher than the figures for England, Scotland and Ireland. She said: “At the age of 11, boys and girls are similar in their habits, but at the age of 13 and 15, the number of girls smoking is higher than boys.

 “We need to keep an eye on gender differences and we need to keep working to get these rates down. One of the key things we need to be doing is to de-normalise smoking in the wider society.” Professor McNeill also said that the issue of illegal tobacco was of major concern. An estimated one in 10 cigarettes and half of all hand-rolled tobacco is smuggled, according to figures which put the cost of the practice throughout the UK at £2bn. She said: “Illicit tobacco is a really big issue. I think what is evident is that young people are visiting places to get illicit tobacco from wherever it is available and it’s very attractive to them because it is so cheap.

 It’s a big problem and something to watch out for.” Chair of the children’s committee, Julie Morgan AM, said she believed Wales could lead the way in tackling the problem of smoking in teenagers. “Up to 14,000 young people aged between 11 and 15 start smoking each year in Wales and that is a very sobering figure,” she said. We’ve done a lot of work in this area, but there is still a long way to go. With devolution we have more opportunity to be championing and leading the way and there are huge opportunities in Wales to drive the agenda forward.”

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