четверг, 12 апреля 2012 г.

Anti-smoking group urges Stampede to go smoke-free

Anti-smoking group

As Edmonton snuffs out smoking near all children's parks and sports fields, an anti-smoking group is urging the Calgary Stampede to take the bull by the horns and ban smoking throughout the park.

Calgary already bans smoking cigarettes and cigars at all LRT platforms, bus shelters, arenas, Olympic Plaza and other areas.

But anti-smoking groups says the city can do better.

"I think the festivals and outdoor events, including the Calgary Stampede . . . I'd like to see that even become completely smoke-free, at least the midway," said Les Hagen, the executive director of Action on Smoking and Health.

"There already are a number of high-traffic areas in the city that are completely smoke-free," Hagen said. "What we would propose is just expanding those areas to include areas frequented by children, like playgrounds, sports fields, skate parks, pools and tennis courts."

The Calgary Stampede already bans smoking near the children's midway, all of its food areas and at indoor facilities. There are half a dozen outdoor designated smoking areas and compliance is good, said spokesman Doug Fraser.

"Smokers are familiar with going to special areas now," Fraser said.

Years ago, Calgary's city council debated and dismissed taking the extra step of banning smoking in parks and on pathways.

"It's not on the radar," said the city's bylaw boss, Bill Bruce.

The city also follows the rules of the Alberta Tobacco Reduction Act, which outlines no-smoking policies.

Second-hand smoke is a secondary issue, Hagen said.

"The big health issue is role modelling; that's what this is really all about. The more children are exposed to tobacco use, the more likely they are to take up smoking themselves," he said. "As a society, we have a responsibility."

The City of Edmonton amended its smoking bylaw last week to include a $250 fine for anyone caught smoking within 10 metres of playgrounds, playing fields, skate parks and water parks. It gives Edmonton the toughest outdoor smoking restrictions in Alberta.

The goal is to protect the health of children and reduce the number of role models they see lighting up.

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