среда, 4 апреля 2012 г.

Simpsonville council to take another look at smoking ban

proposed smoking ordinance

Simpsonville smokers and nonsmokers alike may be waiting with bated breath while the City Council reviews the proposed smoking ordinance.

After changes were made to a proposed smoking ordinance, the council voted 5-2 to table the ordinance so it could review it further. Council members Julius Welborn and Geneva Lawrence voted against tabling it.

The ordinance as proposed encompasses all public places and places of employment, said Russell Hawes, city administrator.

“The effect of this, really, is if it’s a place of employment, it would have to be smoke-free,” Hawes said. “If it’s a public gathering area, be it outside, inside, whatever — smoke-free. That is the major change. ”

City Attorney David Holmes said the ordinance was expanded because “if it is a public health issue, the question then becomes why should the prohibition be limited or restricted to a few places and not others.”

Craig Boatman said the ordinance was so different from the first reading, it should be considered a first reading. Boatman spoke in opposition of the ordinance before the changes were presented.

Councilman Brown Garrett echoed the sentiment.

“I would like to see us at least give this thing two weeks for the people of the city to see the changes that have been made in this ordinance instead of voting it through tonight,” Garrett said.

Councilman Matthew Gooch said he wanted time to dig through the ordinance.

“I’m not going to get into what’s right and what’s wrong, is it bad or is it good. Smoking’s bad, of course, we all know that,” Gooch said. “I want a little time to dig through this to make sure I know what I’m voting for before I say yes or no on it.”

Councilwoman Sylvia Lockaby said she’d received input from both sides of the issue. Councilman George Curtis said he’d received calls as well, with more being against it than for it.

Lawrence said a Bryson Elementary class wrote letters to council, with the majority being in favor of the ordinance.

Garrett said he’d received more input about this ordinance than anything else in his nine years on council.

“We’ve done a lot of things that I thought would be more controversial than this, but this seems to take the cake,” he said.

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